Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blogging just to blog

So I keep being bothered to blog.

So here I am.

Blogging is going to be hard for me. I'm fine with getting my thoughts out, but writing them seems so final. I love serious conversations, stimulating thoughts and more so stimulating friendships. But putting them in ink....thats my problem. My thoughts change often, and by often I mean about every 5-10 minutes. Big things stay the same, but my rationales and emotions fluctuate more then Oprah's weight.

So my first topic will be about how much I love my friends. I love my friends. I think they are basically perfect.....(don't take that sentence too literally) For the first time in life I have friends that challenge me, friends that would rather talk for 20 minutes about Jesus than other people. And by that I mean talking negatively about other people to make ourselves feel better. I know without a doubt that every single person I associate myself with on a regular basis has love as their priority in life. A love that stems from knowing how Jesus lived and a passion for figuring out how the crap he did it. All along knowing that we will never come even close to achieving that, yet we never stop trying.

This is a good place to be. It's a blessing to be around. Unspoken genuine concern for one another. Unspoken admiration, no matter how many times we mess up. Accepting each other exactly how we come, but still expecting greatness.

Here's the challenge:
When do we take advantage of these friendships? Being in each others lives comes with demands. I think that we are supposed to grow others and expect to allow them to grow us. (is that proper english, ah well...) But accepting criticism is never easy. I want to learn how to give it gracefully, and how to take it without wanting to punch that person in the face. That's it.

I'm super tired and am going to go play word scramble before I go to bed. My thoughts feel scrambled right now so I may do well....Sorry if this post didn't make any sense but the pressure was on to write...more to come I hope. (unless no one comments then I'm never writing again)
