Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Could this be out of line?

Maybe I'm the last to notice but there's a huge disconnect in this world of ours.

Being out here with my family I see it more then ever. Well, I always see the disconnection when I'm on family vacations. And I hate to say that because I don't want to portray the fact that my family is full of heathens that are constantly running from the life worthy of one living for Christ. That's not the case at all. They're all good people, we're all "good" people. We value hard work, family, morals, and all in all you'd like to be around any of us. We're fun. We're good. We're typical American. But we're not a family that's acknowledging Christ together.

There are a few of us. One family that gets picked out because they fall into the American description of Christians. Judgmental, anti-social, demeaning, and self-righteous. So do I get put in that category by some of my family? Maybe. Am I saying that they, and I, don't fall into those categories sometimes.....(No)

This vision of the American Christian is not what I ever want to portray but when you see someone once every two years for a weekend, its hard to allow them to see me for anything other then the things they expect. But I'll do my best to let them see the Christian that cares more about Jesus then the title that I'm trying to achieve by saying I follow Him.

Why is living the way we were intended to so "out of this world?" Why is trying to live your life in unison with the one that created you the most abnormal thing you can do? Why do I feel like this is so obvious around my family? Well I know that answer, it's cause I have amazing friends. Hehe. Friends that seek Christ the way I do. Now I'm not trying to say my entire families in the wrong and I am that holy one that is doing it right. Who knows who's got this thing figured out perfectly. I just know when I have conversations with my friends I feel that Christ is the center and the motivation. When I'm with my is the center and motivation.

Life's a good thing to focus on, if you know where your life is coming from and who it should go to.

1 comment:

Amartin said...

Julie the O-De-Gaurd..... Your post had got me thinking. Perceptions of Christians, for the most part, I very much dislike. It seems to the non-christian world, perceptions of Christians are always bad. I started to think of this whole hypocritical concept that is associated a lot of times with Christians. How it is inescapable because of sin. Then i started to think about your comment on Living a life for Jesus, sometimes feels so abnormal. Which it is, becasue we live in a Earthly "norm". Then I got discouraged. Thanks.

Just Joking. I need to hear these types of things, to remind myself of the amount of effort a Life for Christ takes. Rewarding effort that is. Reminding myself that to live according to truth and not my own thinking. That is why I think perceptions of Christians are so bad. I/People are lazy, self seekers and not Christ seekers.

I know this is very scattered, but this is how your post got me thinking.