Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Red, Right, and Blue

I'm so frustrated that I've written probably about 6 paragraphs and erased them all. This is what it comes down to; Are we loving with a love of Christ?

I can't see Christs' love anywhere. Not even in myself. I'm angry. I love a Christ that has been ruined by the mouths of His people. I love a Christ that people find so unlovable because of the hypocrites who worship Him. Those that I hope for the most may never admit to a emptiness they feel because our righteous Body has sat here waiting to tell them how wrong they are. We're all wrong. We're so very wrong. Shoot, we even have believers that will boast on their failures just to be able to rationalize and exploit this Grace that we're given. Not only boast in it, but LIVE in it., swim in it, worship in it. We're not to be Children who look for our faults so that that we can find acceptance in them. We're to be children who love their savior so deeply that it physically pains us to take one step away from our God.

But we're not. We're Christians who find a soap box to stand on as we look down at all those below us, because of course, everyone's below us...We find time for our latte dates and group events, but not for truly loving someone that we don't want to love, yet needs it. You think Christ wants to truly love us all the time? He does, it is His will, but does he WANT to? I wouldn't.

I am righteous, ignorant, boastful, judgmental, and proud. And the funny thing is I think I deserve this life I've been given. The funny thing is I don't know what it would look like to truly live a life in His will. I'm sick of Red and Blue. Both sides exist for merely remaining on their side so that they're far enough to throw something across in hopes of injuring the opposition, whether it in words, actions, or silence.

I am grateful for our new president. I am grateful that I trust that He is a man of faith who attempts to understand why we urn to stay divided. But I hate what this election has brought out in people, including myself. Who are we and why did he decide to send....us? Doesn't He know how bad we mess things up?

1 comment:

Dominic said...

I love this, it's convicting. I don't think it's offensive either, just a big "check yourself" for everyone and no better time for it than now.

I love you, come home quick.